The Erotic Kin - Master Collection (The Erotic Kin Master Collection) Page 3
She deserved this, more than I did, in my opinion.
She spent a lot of time planning this, asking me who to invite, how much food to buy, what to buy, etc. It almost felt like she was planning a wedding. Even though there were only ten of us, she wanted to make sure every detail was planned out. When my graduation presents came in from relatives and friends, she seemed more excited about them than I was. All the same, I got some pretty sweeeet stuff.
“Mom, why are you making such a big deal about this?” I asked. “It’s not like I’m stopping my formal education; I do have an academic scholarship to college, y’know.”
“I know, honey,” my mom said. “It’s just that, well, when I was pregnant with your sister I had to drop out of school and get married. Then, when I went back to get my GED and passed, there was no celebration or congratulations for me, even though I went to night school while working full-time and trying to raise two small kids. Guess I’m living vicariously through you. Is there something wrong with that?”
I smiled. “No, not at all, Mom,” I said, kissing her on the cheek.
“By the way,” she asked me, “did you get a confirmation that those brothers, Jake and Steve, were coming?”
“Yeah, why?” I asked.
“Just wondering, because I hadn’t heard anything,” she said. “I think they’re good kids and I’m glad you have friends like that. I think they’d add something to this party.”
“Oh, OK,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “If you don’t mind, Mom, it’s five o’clock; I think I better head upstairs and get ready.”
“OK sweetie,” my mom said.
“Pease don’t call me that in front of my friends,” I said, sounding exasperated.
“Why not? Isn’t it my job to embarrass my kids?” She said with a laugh. I groaned and rolled my eyes as I went upstairs.
I took a shower, shaved and got dressed. I put on my nicest pair of navy-blue dress slacks, a red golf shirt and black dress shoes – similar to wingtips. I checked myself out in my mirror – I’m not a vain person generally, but I did look good. I smiled to myself, put my graduation gown on and carried my cap in my hand as I went downstairs.
“Mom, are you ready?” I called out.
“Yes, I’m ready,” she said, putting her earrings in. Although she was my mom, I could objectively say she looked real good for being thirty-eight. She could easily pass for younger than thirty. She was five-foot-six with blonde hair that hung down between her shoulder blades, and was a very fit body – I knew she worked out practically every day – with a twenty-six-inch waist, thirty-four-inch hips and everything was tucked into a skin-tight black dress that stopped in the middle of her thighs. She wore pearls, red lipstick, blue eye shadow that accented her blue eyes, and diamond earrings – they were a gift to herself for divorcing my dad, who has not been in the picture at all since he ran out on us in the middle of the night ten years ago.
“You look great, Mom,” I said, bending down slightly to kiss her on the cheek (I’m six feet tall).
“Aww, thank you honey,” she said. “And you look very handsome, like you‘re a man or something.”
I chuckled. “Thanks. If you’re ready, let’s go.”
“Great,” she said, grabbing her purse by the front door as we left.
We got to the high school in plenty of time, and I immediately sought out my girlfriend, Amber, and her family. Amber was a cheerleader – the only one who wasn’t dating a “jock” – who, I realized just now after seeing my mom, reminded me of my mom. Amber was five-foot-seven, long, lean, with a tiny twenty-three-inch waist, thirty-two-inch hips, and breasts that fit nicely into a size thirty-two bra (my mom didn’t know that I knew that, or how I knew). She had her cap and gown on, so I had to ask.
I leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Whatcha got on under there?”
She smiled and said, “Only what you have been the only one to see with the lights on.”
I looked at her and she nodded and smiled.
I gave my “hellos” to Amber’s parents, who were great people and seemed very supportive of us as a couple. After some mingling with her and a few other families of friends, Amber and I went to the football field to get in our seats.
The ceremony was over about two hours later (a couple of our administrators just love to hear themselves talk), then Amber and I met with our friends to coordinate getting back to my house for the party. Amber and I along with one of her cheerleader friends, Michelle, and her boyfriend, Michael, all rode in our car to the house.
My mom let me drive, and Amber sat next to me with Mom in the backseat with Michael and Michelle, who already had their hands all over each other (I could see them in the rear-view).
Mom tried clearing her throat to chide them about respect, but they didn’t respond. Michelle was leaning into Michael and they were sloppily making out, Michelle’s hand already working on Michael’s crotch.
Mom looked toward me. “You know, even though I got pregnant at a young age I was always taught to act respectfully and politely in front of my elders.”
I nodded my head and laughed. Mom then smacked Michelle on the butt, making her stop jumping Michael. My mom glared at the couple and they stopped, with Michelle collecting herself and trying to sit more ladylike in the seat. Michael, however, still put his hand on Michelle’s leg, and Michelle put her hand on Michael’s crotch. I look in the rear-view at them and really tried to cover my laughter. Amber turned, looked at me, and joined me in our inside joke.
We got home safely – yes, with a teenager driving, I know that seems lucky – and those of us in the car started helping my mom put things out for the party. Within five minutes of being inside, we had several chips and dips out, a punch bowl full of punch (though I honestly didn’t know what was in the punch), napkins and some music playing in the background.
The rest of our party arrived and we all greeted everyone and got settled in. The last ones to arrive were the brothers, Jack and Steve. They were fraternal twins, both on the football team. Jake brought his girlfriend, Jennifer, while Steve had just broken up with his girlfriend a couple weeks earlier, so he was going stag.
“Helloooo, you guys!” my mom exclaimed with a peculiar amount of enthusiasm. “So great to see you guys! Jennifer, also good to see you again,”
The three of them smiled, each said “Hello Ms. Watson,” and came inside. I looked as they walked toward the great room and I saw my mom sneaking a quick drink straight out of an open wine bottle she apparently had placed by the front door when the doorbell rang. She then shook it, tilted it down, saw no wine come out, and she shrugged and took the bottle back with her to the kitchen.
After a few minutes, the party was ambitious and fun, and my mom was right in the middle of it, visiting with everyone, making sure all of the food and drink was replenished around the room. I was spending all my time attached to Amber, and we finally felt the time was right to sneak away for some “us” time. We were sort of in the corner of the room, watching everyone else visit, so we thought no one would miss us. We gave each other a nod and began to get up. I got up first and grabbed mine and Amber’s glasses as if I was going to the kitchen. I then walked to the kitchen, put the glasses down and walked straight up to my bedroom. However, as I went past our office room, which was my sister’s room before she left for college, I saw the door closed and heard some muffled talking. Then I heard, “Michael, it’s so big!” Then a male voice saying “Shhhhhhhhhh!” I couldn’t help but shake my head as I headed to the bedroom.
About a minute later, I heard a gentle knock on the door and I opened it. Amber came in, still wearing her commencement gown. She walked in my room, and just before I closed and locked the door, I heard Michael and Michelle in the other bedroom. The bed was rocking and I heard Michelle saying “oh yes baby” while Michael was grunting.
I closed and locked the door and turned around. Amber had already taken off her gown and had it on the floor. She stood there wearing just
a red bra (my favorite one of hers) with black panties. I practically ran the four feet to her, lifted her up, kissed her deeply and passionately and started laying her down on my bed. She had her hands on either side of my face as her tongue invaded my mouth space and danced with my lingual muscle. Amber pulled my golf shirt over my head, and I lay on her body and started kissing her neck and shoulders. Just as I was moving down to her flat tummy to kiss it, I heard a chorus of cheers and catcalls downstairs. And I thought I heard my mom’s voice louder than most. She seemed to say something about being entertainment.
I was startled. Amber looked at me. “What is it?”
“I don’t know, but I’m curious,” I said. “Give me a minute, will ya?”
“Sure,” she said, and I kissed her quickly on her lips. “Hold that thought.” I looked at her amazing body. “Ohhhh, I better hurry back.” Amber smiled at me.
I thought about putting my shirt on, but decided against it. I opened the door and quickly stepped out, closing it behind me. I looked up and saw Michelle and Michael walk out of the office, looking quite disheveled. Michael looked at me, smiled, and said, “Thank you mom for the use of her desk.” I looked horrified at first, but then I stopped when I heard my mom’s voice downstairs. All of the cheers and catcalls went to silence.
“And Steve, I’m really glad you’re here without that girlfriend of yours,” I heard her say. “Because I have to tell you …” Oh my god, I thought, her voice sounds slurred. She better be just buzzed from that bottle of wine! “I have always thought there was something about you I liked, and tonight I just figured it out. You know what it is, Steve?”
“Um, no, Janet, I don’t.” I heard Steve say.
“It’s because you remind me of my ex-husband, as least physically,” my mom said. “To see for sure, I want to check something.”
I walked straight to the railing and looked down into the great room. I was amazed at what I was witnessing. The group was gathered around, my mom in the middle of the group, standing in front of Steve, who was standing with her. Steve is a six-foot-four guy with dark hair and a strong but slender body; he was a starting guard on our basketball team, so he weighted maybe two hundred pounds.
The next thing I knew, just as I saw Michelle and Michael return to the party from upstairs, I saw my mom get on her knees and start unzipping Steve’s pants. Steve at first resisted, but my mom reassured him. “I just want to see, Steve. I’ve always thought you were damn cute. I want to see what your ex-girlfriend is missing out on.”
Steve then shrugged. “Well, Janet, you are the hottest mom we know at the school.”
“Really?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Steve said. “Several of us have said we thought you were …. Uhhh, bangable.” Laughs came from the guys in the room.
Bangable? I thought. I have friends who wanted to bang my mom? On the one hand, I felt sick. On the other though, this was like a train wreck – I couldn’t turn away.
I watched as my mom unzipped Steve’s pants – right in front of everyone – reached in and pulled out what seemed to be a seven-incher that was already waking up. I watched my mom admire it with her eyes, then wrap her hand around the base. Steve looked down at her, she looked up at him, then he looked around the room. The guys were giving him a thumbs-up, while the girls started to cheer.
“Hmmmm,” my mom said. “Looks just like the one that produced my kids. Let’s see if this one has the juice too.” She opened her mouth and took him into her mouth slowly. As I had felt that from Amber, I could only imagine what Steve was feeling. Though this was my mom, I found myself becoming a detached voyeur, watching with great interest. Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and it was Amber.
“What is it, sweetie?” she asked. I pointed a thumb downstairs. She looked around my shoulder and her mouth fell open. She covered her mouth to keep her gasp from being heard. We stood there, me with my shirt off and Amber in her underwear, watching my mom get it on with a guy twenty years younger. We were both horrified – yet getting very aroused.
We saw my mom go to town on Steve’s length, putting one of her hands under Steve shirt on his chest, while the other hand was peeling off the spaghetti straps of her black dress. Then, the guys started chanting, “Ja-net, Ja-net, Ja-net,” and I saw a couple of the girlfriends start to massage the crotches of their boyfriends. My mom seemed to get energy from the activity around her, so she bobbed her head back and forth with a steady rhythm, taking all of Steve into her warm mouth. Steve tossed his head back and put a hand on the back of my mom’s head and grabbed a handful of her hair. I heard her sigh as her dress straps fell off her shoulders and her white cotton bra showed. Steve looked down at my mom, then dived a hand inside my mom’s bra and began aggressively rubbing her breasts. My mom then took one of her hands and put it between her legs, while the other hand manipulated Steve’s base, her head moving back and forth on Steve rhythmically and aggressively.
The next thing I heard was my pants being unzipped, and the next thing I felt was Amber’s mouth on my shaft, which had gotten to its full eight-inch length just by watching the scene below. I then looked down at Amber, who looked up at me, unhooked her bra from the front and started rubbing her breasts with one hand while her other hand cupped my eggs. I then turned my head back down to the scene below. My mom now had stopped orally pleasing Steve, and she gently pushed Steve in the chest so he sat on the sofa, his shaft looking like a little flagpole in his lap. The guys in the room kept watching and talking, while their girlfriends now were all on their knees in front of their boyfriends, starting to unzip their pants.
I now had the arousing sensation of seeing my mom about to straddle a young man, along with the smell of Amber’s cinnamon-tinted perfume, plus the feeling of her slightly cold fingers on my eggs and her warm mouth and tongue washing every inch of me. I closed my eyes for a second and sighed softly as Amber gently ministered to me orally I looked down at her and her green eyes smiled at me as half my length was enveloped by her soft lips. She was so innocent, but looked so naughty just then. I twitched, and she sighed in approval.
The next thing I saw as I looked downstairs was my mom in a reverse-cowgirl position, moving her body up and down Steve’s manhood. Steve had his head back, eyes closed, with his hands on either side of my mom’s waist. She rested her hands on Steve’s thighs and she powered herself up and down on him, occasionally looking back to see Steve’s reactions. Steve would moan, and a devilish little smile would come across my mom’s face; it was a look I hadn’t seen on her before. I then watched as she talked dirty to Steve. “That’s it, Steve,” she would say. “You need to do a woman to be a real man. I’m welcoming you to manhood. You feel so good, Steve. I have wanted you inside me for a while, Steve. I want to feel you. Ohhhh yesssss.”
And that was the most I could print here. The rest of it was just too graphic even for this. Plus, I felt weird even writing that much because it’s my mom!
Steve would moan at each mention of his name, and hearing my mom say such things inexplicably got me more aroused inside Amber’s mouth. I looked back at her, and she was getting so turned on by what she heard that for the first time with me, she started playing with herself while she was orally pleasing me. I saw her hand inside her panties and her fingers looked like they were moving in a circular motion. She sighed and moved her head back and forth on my length, not more forcefully and with a quicker pace. I felt my eggs tighten up and a small, warm fluid sensation began at the base of me.
I looked down again and I saw Steve’s face contorted while my mom’s head was tossed back with loud moans coming from her mouth. I glanced around them in the room, and I saw every guy watching my mom while every girlfriend had their boyfriends in their mouths. Just a few seconds later, I heard Steve say, “Oh god here it comes,” followed shortly thereafter by, "Give it to me baby! Aaaahhhhhhhh!” I actually watched as my mom reached a climax. She yelled and trembled as she stopped moving, instead squatted down on St
eve as far as possible and was shifting her hips back and forth over his lap. Steve then grunted loudly through gritted teeth and pushed his hips up into my mom and yelled, apparently releasing himself into my mom. I guess my mom felt his milk because she cooed and sighed and softly said to Steve, “Fill me up.”
Well that was all I could take. I looked down at Amber, and she was pleasuring me at a pace and aggressiveness I hadn’t felt before. I saw her hand wiggle inside her panties and she was sighing a little more loudly. I then felt my fluid begin to back up behind my top. The dam was about to break.
With one little thrust of my hips, I pushed my entire length as far as possible into Amber mouth, grunted once quickly through my teeth, but then threw caution to the wind.
“Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh yessssssssssssssssssss!” I yelled as my shaft exploded, sending what felt like a fire-hose flood of my warm milk deep into Amber’s mouth and down her throat. She almost gagged at first, but then took it all, humming to get me to feel vibrations as I emptied myself into her. She casually shivered and trembled as she cleaned me with her mouth, before falling back on her butt.
My mom looked up at the landing. “You’re welcome, honey,” she said.
“Thank you for a great party, Mom,” I said. “You are quite the hostess.”
“And I think I have a favorite guest,” she said. “You’re welcome back anytime, Steve,” she said over the din of guys moaning and girls sighing with manhoods in their mouths.
Let’s just say Steve became a very good friend of the family.
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I am a lucky guy to be in a house with two very attractive women. It has taken me a while to recognize this, but I truly am grateful.
How did I come to this realization, when I didn’t know it before as it was right in front of me? Well, I’m glad you asked. If you’ll allow me to tell a story, you just might understand better how I became just slow, not dumb or blind.